An Open Form Winter Resilience Audit
Recent conditions have had us examining the flaws and strengths of our homestead
Hey y’all. This was written nearly a week back, but I’ve been awful damn busy. Things have warmed up, and many services have been restored here—for now. And with that has come a new set of hazards: namely slick surfaces. In fact, I just about broke my butt today. But I imagine I’ll get to ice in my next free post.
Resilience is sort of a buzzword anymore, and a lot of folks on the left throw it around the way folks on the right use the term preparedness. Of course, these words mean slightly different things, and I consider them both important. The ability to survive and thrive, and associated concepts needn’t be co-opted by ideology: we all have a right to survival and liberation. Where these concepts of resilience and preparedness intersect is often in some paranoid future dream of dystopia; not that dystopia doesn’t already exist today. It is the fear of a dystopia that affects the affluent and privileged which seems to haunt the conversation around survival, prepping, and resilience, despite the necessity of these skills and concepts in all parts of the world.