My imagination in reading this piece is stoked to a fair glow, Benjamin, thanks so much for taking time out and presenting it all, in an enjoyable read. As a long-time country girl gone city.. and I see we here in the city haven’t a clue or never have a reason to think about these things, what it takes to keep a farm, the amazing network of goings-on in the subnivean layer, let alone the existence of such a thing as snotcicles and the necessity of not messing with nostrils.. and the very many layers required for survival, and minding the survival of livestock.. all very much of the reason for the state we find ourselves, for in the city we exemplify addiction to fossil fuel-everything, faux food, container lives, useless hopes, incessant chatter about nothing.. and sadly, increasingly isolated from the land and each other. Thank you for bridging the gap in your own way, to what’s needed, between those of us who are not there, to what it’s really like to live on the land in real time. Love. ❤️
I had been looking for an answer to the question of why noses run more when coming in from the cold - so glad to finally have that resolved.
Love hearing how life continues, even during the quiet season. And how it later shapes the more active seasons. Thanks for a great post.
My imagination in reading this piece is stoked to a fair glow, Benjamin, thanks so much for taking time out and presenting it all, in an enjoyable read. As a long-time country girl gone city.. and I see we here in the city haven’t a clue or never have a reason to think about these things, what it takes to keep a farm, the amazing network of goings-on in the subnivean layer, let alone the existence of such a thing as snotcicles and the necessity of not messing with nostrils.. and the very many layers required for survival, and minding the survival of livestock.. all very much of the reason for the state we find ourselves, for in the city we exemplify addiction to fossil fuel-everything, faux food, container lives, useless hopes, incessant chatter about nothing.. and sadly, increasingly isolated from the land and each other. Thank you for bridging the gap in your own way, to what’s needed, between those of us who are not there, to what it’s really like to live on the land in real time. Love. ❤️
"ass over tin cups" is the vernacular in my family