Also noteworthy: a mature male squirrel is a boar, and a female is a sow. The young'uns are known as pups though, not piglets. Go forth and impress your friends with these squirrel facts.
Did you know that squirrels will make a nest within a drey for pups? And that the preferred medium is the inner bark of eastern red cedar? At least here in NC. I've gathered many prized clumps after storms. The inner bark is shredded, a ready-made bundle of the finest tinder.
Birthday Blessings to you on this special milestone. May your taproot flourish in the decade ahead. Beautiful writing as always.
Adding "drey" to my word hoard. Thanks for helping future me impress my friends and neighbors!
Also noteworthy: a mature male squirrel is a boar, and a female is a sow. The young'uns are known as pups though, not piglets. Go forth and impress your friends with these squirrel facts.
Happy birthday, Benjamin Bramble, and may this trip around the sun be full of beauty. Grateful you were born.
Unsure how I found you, but your writing touches me in the deep places. Blessings on this day of your birth.
Did you know that squirrels will make a nest within a drey for pups? And that the preferred medium is the inner bark of eastern red cedar? At least here in NC. I've gathered many prized clumps after storms. The inner bark is shredded, a ready-made bundle of the finest tinder.
And thank you for the beauty you've spilled.